Friday, March 28, 2008


It is official..... Baseball has started! We had our first game last night! This season Chase's old team didn't have a spot for him so Blayne put him on Taylors team. Yeah for me! This means, only 1 game I have to sit through with two little kids who don't mind. Chase's old team was a homeschool team and we don't homeschool. They had more HS kids that wanted to play so that meant we had to find a different team. We made so many friends and I am sure we will still see them at the ballpark, I will just miss talking with all the moms. Aubrey and Kalab were the only little kids in the stands for Taylors games and Chase's game, total opposite, there were so many little siblings for them to play with.
One team called and asked if Chase would play on their team (they called during church)
They said they practiced on Sundays and asked if we could come that day!
Blayne told them we don't play on Sundays and the coach was pushy and kept asking "well can't you just play after church"? Blayne told them NO and the coach said "well I'll have to get back with you". they never called back! good thing too!

Well the day started off with such good weather around 80 degrees and when we left for the game it was chilly. I had to grab jackets for everyone. Then half way through the game we ended up in the car it was soooooooooo cold. Chase got to play and was even got up to bat!


Meghan said...

Baseball. Yea!! I can't belive it is time for baseball and that it is almost April. So when do YOU start softball??

Kim Allsup said...

I have to have you on my team to play!..... I am so sad we didn't get any pictures of the BUNCH

Amber said...

Kim do you play softball?