Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Aunt Anna passed away on Friday and her funereal is today. I have so many emotions and I am so sad that we are not there. This is the one thing I hate about living here, not being with my family.

I wanted to remember my aunt and the wonderful lady she was. Here are some memories I have of her....

* I was asked to to serve the guests food at her wedding reception in Farview. I thought that was so neat because I got to keep the apron. Her colors were brown and blue, and the apron was brown.

* She was sealed in the temple by Elder L. Tom Perry who is a father-in-law to her sister. Her younger brother who is a year older than me, was named after him.

* When Kristina was blessed in Sandy, Elder L. Tom Perry was there and went to there house after church for dinner. We played in the basement because it was not finished yet.

* She would have the girls sing primary songs and tape them for my Grandma and Grandpa Kellett. Grandma and Grandpa would have us listen to it when we would go to their house.

* She bought me a dish drainer and dish towels for my bridal shower.

* At any family gathering she would make sure she came to talk to everyone and she remembered our spouses names and what they were doing. She would always ask how we were.

* 4th of July was the last time I saw her. The family came to the house to see the new kitchen. She looked frail and tired. Later, at the fireworks, I was sitting by myself with the kids and she was the only one who came over to talked me.

I have such sweet memories of her kindness and how I felt every time I talked to her. She will be missed at every Kellett family gathering!

Anna Marie Bench Kellett 1958 ~ 2008 Our beloved wife and mother, Anna Marie Bench Kellett passed away Friday January 25, 2008 at her home in Sandy, Utah. She was surrounded by the constant love and care of her family during her eleven month battle with brain cancer.Anna Marie was born December 31, 1958 in Fairview, Utah the daughter of Ada Ruesch and Robert Kirby Bench. She graduated from North Sanpete high school and participated in cheerleading and drill team. She attended Snow College and Utah State University where she received a bachelor's degree in home economics and returned to teach at North Sanpete high school. She married Bart Jensen Kellett on November 11, 1983 in the Salt Lake Temple. They have four beautiful daughters, Kristina, Tamara, Melissa, and Kara. Anna Marie was a wonderful wife and devoted mother to her family. She always put others before herself. She loved being in her home and was a wonderful homemaker, seamstress, and cook. She enjoyed playing the piano, going to the family cabin, four-wheeling, hiking, and spending time with family. She was a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and held many positions in the stake and ward throughout her life. She was valiant in her testimony. She is survived by her husband, Bart and daughters, Kristina, Tamara, Melissa, and Kara; mother, Ada Ruesch Bench; sisters, Jeanette Squires, and Carolyn Perry; brothers, Robert, Kenneth, and Tom Bench. She was preceded in death by her twin sister, Rose Marie Bench and her father, Robert Kirby Bench. Funeral services will be held Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the Crescent Park Stake Center (11350 South 1000 East). A viewing will be held Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. at the Crescent Park Stake Center (11350 South 1000 East). Interment will be at the Fairview, Utah City Cemetery. Online condolences at Thanks to the ward, stake, neighbors, friends, and family members for the many acts of service. We love you Anna Marie and will miss you.

Monday, January 28, 2008

fun mail and more Valentines

So last week my bread machine broke. My sister-in-law Lisa gave it to me because she never used it. I make all my dough in that machine.
I was crying to my mom about all the things going on in my life and started sobbing
"and to top it off my bread machine is broken." She knows how much I use this thing.
Well she called back latter and told me just bought one online and it was being shipped to
my house. I knew she couldn't fix all my problems but she lighted the load!

See what I made first!

Thanks MOM

Then today I got a card game that I won. fun family home evening tonight!
and lastly how about making this dessert on Valentines day!

Twinkies and raspberry Jam or any red sauce for that matter

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The passing of President Hinkley makes me so sad.
What a great Prophet he has been.
I imagine the reunion with his dear wife to be a joyful time for him.
What a kind man he was and will surely be missed.

M cast O V E

So this is my word of the year.
I feel that a lot of times i don't do things because they will take to much work.
Yeah call me LAZY. Sometimes I am.
I have thought of this scripture

D&C 75 2-3
2 Hearken, O ye who have agiven your names to go forth to proclaim my gospel, and to bprune my vineyard.

3 Behold, I say unto you that it is my will that you should go forth and not tarry, neither be aidle but blabor with your might—

What do I need to do to start laboring with all my might?
My answer was to move.
Get up and do it!

move to serve
move to introduce myself to new people in our ward.
move to clean my house
move to do more in my life

I know that it isn't a deep word but it fits me.

I hope that by picking this word, it will motivate me to not sit idly and watch others but to be an example of laboring with all my might!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Look what fun thing I found for Valentines day!

This is a fun new find.. It's called Hostess with the Mostess

Last night at the Southern Living Party the hostess had made pretzel sticks dipped in white chocolate then sprinkled with pink and red hearts and pink sugar..... flipp'n cute.

I came home all in the mood to make stuff. I Love that feeling.

Here are a few things I have been doing to get ready for Valentines Day!

What fun Valentines projects have you been working?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

give away

I have been entering way to many give aways. Maybe one day I'll win...

Teresa is running her first contest of the year over at her personal blog. You have a chance to win a beautiful turquoise bracelet created by Lori Jaclyn. She’s willing to ship anywhere and that means anyone is eligible to participate and win.

Check these others out here and here and here
I love the word of the year. I have come up with mine. I'll post later about it.
***Does anyone else like give aways?


I was tagged by Keely. I have never done this before so here it goes...

A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 years ago: I was married with a 3 month old baby boy (Taylor) and enjoying every minute of being a new mom

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Clean toilet
2. Wash dishes
3.this list changed due to sick kid!
4. Go to a Southern Living Party..... Who will go with me?
5. ?

I enjoy:
This totally depends on my mood. I love to cook, bake, read, computer, going to

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Totally pay off all the student loans and
go on a shopping spree. I would hire Stacy and Clinton from TLC What Not to Wear to help me pick my cloths out.

3 of my bad habits:
1. I don’t clean my kitchen after I get done cooking. If you have been to my house you already know this. I am just glad you can’t see my kitchen from the front door.
2. I take really long hot showers. I should save water
3. Waste to much time

5 places I have lived:1. Moroni
2 Ephraim
3 Provo
4 Oklahoma City
5 ?

5 jobs that I have had:
1. Jim’s Dairy Freeze
2.THE Norbest Turkey Plant
3. Payless shoe store
4. Word Perfect
5.Utah Valley Pediatrics

5 Things people don't know about me:
1. I don’t like Cats, dogs or any other pets
2 I sported a girls mullet when I was in middle school (It was cool)
3 I wanted to grow up to be a anchor women on KSL or just live in a "repartment" like my aunt Tena
4 The last time I flew in a plane was almost 15 years ago
5 I was engaged when I was 18 (mom did NOT like this. I am glad she protested)

So I tag....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is how we celebrated MLK day..
We found Taylors hockey puck for a free dozen donuts so we headed out.......

He did share....and it didn't hurt that we got a free donut for coming in!

Monday, January 21, 2008


Well its not the TV show lost, it is a list of things that I have lost...

:::Taylor's new Christmas bike, stolen
:::Pictures on the computer (one day here the next...GONE)
:::Cd with pictures on it
:::purse (did find this)
:::cars pajama tops
:::Target gift card.. last seen in my room
:::Taylor's hockey puck to get free Krispy Kreme donuts
:::A Tree (someone cut it down yesterday)
:::::::::::::and lastly my MIND

If anyone has seen these please return to the ditsy blonde who can't keep track of things!

Friday, January 18, 2008

1 more



Can I tell you how much fun I am having with my new photoshop program!!!
and all the freebies too...
I have done more scrapbooking in the last two days than I have in years..
I love how I don't have to get everything out
what a fun way to waist my time........ maybe not waist, just occupy

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Why can't I do things right! look at how uneven this is....I am so upset that I can't be patient and measure. No it had to be done right now....

How can I fix it?
any suggestions??


Taylor got all A's on his report card today......woohoo
Blayne took him out on a dinner date to celebrate

Taylor thinks he gets a four wheeler.......I think he gets dinner with dad.

Monday, January 14, 2008

funny thing said......

Chase saw my lap top sitting by the table and saw the font files waiting to be unzipped.
{I am having a font obsession right now.....}
anyway he asked what they were and I said FONTS.
He said like the one I was baptized in???????
we all got a good chuckle out of that!

Amazing race

I am so glad they are gone......they burned themselves last night!

GO TK AND RACHEL I want them to WIN!!!!


Seriously how do people come up with things like this....
Why didn't I think of it .................. I could be rich!
I saw this on someones post and laughed....... seriously laughed hard.
Are we all becoming lazy that we have to have a snowball maker?

Friday, January 11, 2008

the WOW is out of my life

Today will be the first day in 2 years that Blayne and Chase will not have World of Warcraft to come home too. Monday Blayne came home and told me that he canceled his wow account.
Wow..... that was all I could say!!!
It is a massively multi player online role-playing game. It is very popular and Toyota Tundra truck even has a commercial about it......

When Blayne broke the news to Chase he cried! He took it pretty hard.
Blayne did have a lot of fun playing with his brothers and being the group leader. He would order them around and tell them where to go and who to kill.. (sounds like Taylor) They all would skype each other and be able to talk that way....Many of nights I listened to Dahl's voice as I drifted into a deep sleep. I meet new people threw this game....Doug....Shadds brother-in-law and others that I don't know what there real names are.
I even had a player named after me MIK how sweet is he.... I felt honored

Here are a few words that I heard over and over ...........
Alterac Valley
Burning crusade
action house
warson gulch
roll for that
and a few other choice words that I will not share!...

I could go on and bore you so I won't.........
I am saying good bye to the wow in my life!!! YEAH

Thursday, January 10, 2008

click here to try a new quiz

This time I matched up with Mitt Romney....not that I will vote for him, it is just interesting to see the different views of the candidates. And if I don't know how I feel about a certain issue I can go research it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I was just reading this blog and she said she has a notebook by her kids beds so at night she can write down what cute things they say. I need to do this. Last week someone said something funny and I thought I better write that down. I forgot to do it and forgot what was said.... just that it was funny..... so I better write this down before I forget it......

Aubrey was asking for her tights and said, "You know those sleeves for my legs"

You all have to try this quiz. It will tell you who is most compatible with your views and opinions for the Presidential race. I took it and mine was Fred Thompson. Maybe we do have somethings in common. I always wanted to be a star.........
For me Mitt Romney was 1 point above Hillary Clinton?????

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New calling

Well it is official I have just been called to be the achievement day leader.
This is the 6th calling in the 4 1/2 years we have been here!
My first calling was teaching the Marriage and family class with Blayne. I REALLY liked this calling. It was interesting to see Blayne teach. We had to work together to get the lessons ready and we talked a lot about the lessons. When the manual was done the class was over.
Then I was called to be the ward activities chairman. This was fun but the Bishop was big on having a activity every month.. really hard.... I survived the fall carnival, Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas fireside. The biggest of the year!
Then I was called to be in the Primary Presidency. I really liked this calling. I felt like I was inspired with some of the sharing times I did. One sharing time that I loved was teaching about the plan of salvation. I closed the dividers in the primary room, which happened to be in thirds.. We stared in the first section and I explained to them about our premortal life and how we made a choice to follow Christ. We then went into the next section which was our earthly life and I explained how we are here to be tested and go through trials.. Then we went into the last section. I had some parents waiting in the last room and explain that when we die we will see our family members who had passed on before us.... It was fun to be with the children and see their excitement of learning the gospel.
Next I was called to be the 2nd counselor in Relief Society....I loved the interaction with the sisters! I loved being with the Presidents I worked with. They both were good examples of what sisters in our church should be! I cried when they released me!
I was then called to scouts..(maybe that's why I cried)...This one I struggled with... I sure wish I could of loved it but it was hard for me....
Now achievement days leader. I do have a different attitude about this... and am excited to work with the cute girls in our ward...

We'll see how long I am in this one....

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hi I'm a ESFJ????

You Are An ESFJ

The Caregiver

You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.
A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.
You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.
You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.

In love, you value harmony and mutual understanding.
You will apologize or give someone the benefit of the doubt, if it means getting over a fight sooner.

At work, you are good at building relationships and connecting with people.
You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Organized, dependable, co-operative

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Opinionated, critical, and know-it-all
What's Your Personality Type?

I don't know about the organized part....but it does kinda sound like me

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

new year goals

My friend Yolanda once said that a goal isn't a goal until you write it down....
so my goals for 2008 are....

1 read Book of Mormon by April General Conference
2 get 100% on my visiting teaching (i can do it)
3 loose the 10lbs I gained since I discovered blogging
4 have the dishes done before I sit down at the computer (this probably will be the hardest one)
5 be kinder to my kids and show them more affection

I now have them in writing ..... I have to do it.......